Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mathematical symbols dictionary

–  identically equal,

  –  approximately equal,
~  –  approximately,
0.(12345)  –  the repeating decimal with the period 12345,
N  – the set of natural numbers,
Z –  the set of whole numbers (integers),
R  –  the set of real numbers,
  –  an empty set,
  –  an infinity sign,
  –  an element  belongs to a set  X,
 –  an element  doesn't belong to a set  X,
X Y –  a set  X  is a subset of a set  Y,
  –  a union of sets  X and Y,
  –  an intersection of sets X and Y,
X \ Y –  a symmetric difference of sets X and Y,
{ un } –  a sequence with a general term  un ,
[ a, b ]  –  a numerical segment,
  –  numerical semi-segments (semi-intervals),
( a, b )  –  a numerical interval,
  –  a scalar product of vectors ,
  –  a vector product of vectors ,
==>   –  it follows,
<=>   –  equivalent,
  –  perpendicular,
   –  parallel,
  –  a triangle ABC,
–  a function and its derivative.


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